
CAI Learning Academy is committed to the disciplined, systemic use of forward-thinking technology-driven instruction that engages its students in the learning process and personalizes the learning experience to meet their individual learning needs.

We are also committed to helping our students build age-appropriate technical literacy that will equip them to operate as responsible, capable members of our society as they mature.

1 to 1 iPad School

Driven by our beliefs that…

  • Technology impacts every aspect of our lives, and
  • The effective, proper use of technology plays a key role in ensuring academic and personal success

CAI Learning Academy opened its doors in 2014 with the explicit intent of offering a 1 to 1 iPad school.

photo of a child using an iPAD

As practitioners of student-centered learning, we understand the vital role technology plays in making this possible. Not only are we committed to ensuring each child has access to a personal iPad, but we are also committed to the rigorous and disciplined use of Adaptive (Instructional) Software to facilitate our individualized and small group teaching strategies.